Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Don't Stop Dreaming

Hi everyone! Yesterday, I was lucky enough to get a Kindle Daily Deal for all three of my books in my Lizzy Gardner Series. And then all of my friends and my author support group and people I never met tweeted and shared and my books hit #2, #3, and #6!

I don't know what to say except THANK YOU to every person out there who gave my books a chance. If you've read my blog or an interview that I've done over the past 2 1/2 years, then you know that after writing for 20 years, I finally got lucky. A brilliant man over at Amazon found a way to make it possible for EVERY writer to publish their book(s) and hopefully find readers. THANK YOU, Mr. Bezos.

If you're thinking of self-publishing, click on the green button on the upper left corner of my website "Steps to Self-Publishing" and that should be enough to get you going. After you release your book to the world, start writing your next book. I'm a big proponent of trying everything at least once, but I got carried away and for the past nine months or so I did more traveling and promoting than writing. Don't make the same mistake I did. If you're a writer, always make writing your priority. The signings and conferences I attended were great, but as far as I'm concerned, they're not the reason my books hit #2, #3, and #6. Some writers can do both, I'm just not one of them. 

So, that's my advice to you. WRITE. READ. WRITE SOME MORE.


I am blessed and grateful.