BOOKS SOLD as of May 31, 2012: 293,202
*Total(s) are as of May 31, 2012 and do NOT include over 250,000 FREE downloads
(Amazon and B&N combined Sales)
Borrows have NOT been included in total sales
*Total(s) are as of May 31, 2012 and do NOT include over 250,000 FREE downloads
(Amazon and B&N combined Sales)
Borrows have NOT been included in total sales
Return of the Rose
- Released March 2, 2011 $2.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance
March: 298
April: 894
May: 1,600
June: 1,475
July: 1,291
August: 2,352
September: 1,955
October: 1,527
November: 981
December: 1,074
January: 1,457
February: 1,519
March 2012: 1422
April 2012: 1800 (289 borrows)
May 2012: 944 (178 borrows)
Total: 20,589
A Knight in Central Park
- Released March 18, 2011 $.99/$2.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance
March: 247
April: 6,071
May: 4,306
June: 2,414
July: 1,330
August: 9,812
September: 2,088
October: 1,348
November: 876
December: 2,383
January: 2,685
February: 1,485
March 2012: 1,620
April 2012: 1,032
May 2012: 680
Contemporary Romance
April: 30
May: 182
June: 265
July: 310
August: 934
September: 1,872
October: 2,125
November: 2,150
December: 1,561 (272 borrows)
January: 4,393 (782 borrows)
February: 1,088 (99 borrows)
March 2012: 1,692 (114 borrows)
April 2012: 872
May 2012: 880
Total: 18,354
Finding Kate Huntley
- Released May 5, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense
May: 187
June: 261July: 325
August: 1,159
September: 3,363
October: 2,089
November: 1,095
December: 4,421 (1,088 borrows)
January: 2,523 (791 borrows)
February: 1,908 (123 borrows)
March 2012: 2,077 (46 borrows)
April 2012: 1,384
May 2012: 945
Total: 21,737
Romantic Suspense/Thriller
May: 25
June: 694July: 1,708
August: 12,917
September: 39,413
October: 18,176
November: 6,645
December: 3,649
January: 2,118
February: 32,500 (5,088 borrows)
March 2012: 18,188 (3,674 borrows)
April 2012: 6,103 (893 borrows)
May 2012: 3,045 (690 borrows)
Total: 145,181
Dead Weight
- Released December 22, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense/Thriller
December: 451
January: 1,430February: 11,385 (325 borrows)
March 2012: 15,836 (1,399 borrows)
April 2012: 6,934 (738 borrows)
May 2012: 3,171 (418 borrows)
Total: 39,207
Having My Baby
- Released April 13, 2012 $3.99
Contemporary Romance
April 2012: 3,855 (378 borrows)
May 2012: 5,902 (986 borrows)
May 2012: 5,902 (986 borrows)
Total: 9,757
I leave for New York very soon. I will be speaking on a panel with other writers at the BEA and I can't wait! I will also be meeting many people from teams and consultants and my editor! I will report back when I return.
As you can see, my sales are dipping, but I never worry about that. Besides, I would never complain about having over 15,000 sales in a month! More than anything, I can't wait to get back to writing my latest book. I love writing and connecting with readers and that's all I really want to do.
If you are thinking of self-publishing, go to my LINKS tab above and see what I did to get started. There are also links to the IRI group, 1000+ members who are not only welcoming but also willing to share tips with you!
As you can see, my sales are dipping, but I never worry about that. Besides, I would never complain about having over 15,000 sales in a month! More than anything, I can't wait to get back to writing my latest book. I love writing and connecting with readers and that's all I really want to do.
If you are thinking of self-publishing, go to my LINKS tab above and see what I did to get started. There are also links to the IRI group, 1000+ members who are not only welcoming but also willing to share tips with you!
Self-publishing and being an independent authors is lots of fun and a lot of work, but if you are patient and take one thing at a time, you'll enjoy every step of the ride. Just like writing a book, it can't all be done in one day.
If you are a new writer, remember that learning the craft and writing every day is the most important thing you can do. Your book must be the best it can be. Hire a proofreader at the very least. If you have a great book ready to go, release it to the world and good luck! Stay positive and don't worry about slow sales at first. Say YES to interviews and blogging. Try to get your books reviewed. Send one request to a reviewer every day and eventually someone will agree to review your book. Remember...what works for one author, might not work for another. It's all up to you. Believe in yourself and your books. You can do it!
If you are a READER, thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you would like to see posted!