But enough about that! Let's talk about BOOK SALES and what YOU can do to increase your sales, too.
I hope to hit 20,000 books sold by July 10th (this weekend!)
I have been selling over 1,000 books a week (Amazon, B&N, Smashwords). I sold more books in May than in June, but with some super duper paid for advertising on Eye on Romance and The Romance Reviews, I hope to have better sales this month. I’m certainly not complaining. In fact, I’m trying to concentrate more on writing books and less on all this other stuff.
So many great blogs out there with amazing authors who are all helping one another. I love it! But I’m sure you can relate when I say I’m having a hard time keeping up with all of these great blogs.
Whenever I find a new and wonderful blog, I will post the website URL on my LINK page.
Here is a great post on why you should use kindle boards.
Today I’m reading all about Kindle Boards. Lots of fun, great info whether you’re a writer or a reader or both! But, like most things I’ve been learning about lately, it takes time to figure it all out. Just make sure you follow the rules…and if you are like me and you don’t like rules, too bad. You have to follow them over there. They are strict about rules and you don’t want to get kicked off or eaten alive if you post on the wrong topic. Ha! Come register at Kindle Boards and say hi!
One more thing...
PERMISSION GRANTED TO FORWARD (& forwarding is much appreciated!)
Indie Romance Ink is a free gathering place for indie romance authors. Come to the new IRI Yahoo group to network and share the indie journey with your peers--tips, wins, marketing strategies, etc. The co-founders (Cate Rowan and Carly Carson) want it to be a great resource for the indie romance community, so we've also reserved the URL IndieRomanceInk.com for future expansion--blogs, author/reader interactions, etc.
Indie Romance Ink is open to anyone who's self-published a work of romance (short story to mega-novel--it's all good!). RWA membership isn't required. Come on over--and please spread the word to your indie friends!
Indie Romance Ink is a free gathering place for indie romance authors. Come to the new IRI Yahoo group to network and share the indie journey with your peers--tips, wins, marketing strategies, etc. The co-founders (Cate Rowan and Carly Carson) want it to be a great resource for the indie romance community, so we've also reserved the URL IndieRomanceInk.com for future expansion--blogs, author/reader interactions, etc.
Indie Romance Ink is open to anyone who's self-published a work of romance (short story to mega-novel--it's all good!). RWA membership isn't required. Come on over--and please spread the word to your indie friends!